The manufacturing industries like Cement, Power, Iron and Steel, Pharma, Food & Beverage, etc. have increasing demands on product recovery and emission control Experts are looking up to Bag Filters to provide a solution to the changing needs. Filter Bags are the Key performance members in Pulsejet, RABH, or Shaker type bag Filters.

Filter Bags designed and manufactured using EONTEX Filtration fabrics have been used in several applications. EONTEX based Filter bags are engineered products. The performance of these bags depends on a number of conditions including the temperature of flue gas, the chemistry of the flue gas, Air to Cloth Ratio (ACR), operating conditions of the bag Filter, OEM type and original design criteria, condition of the current bag Filters, maintenance practices, etc. A lot of deliberation happens within our cross-functional teams before a final choice is made on the type of Filter bag that needs to be recommended for applications in Raw Mill Kilns, Process Bag Houses, Nuisance bag houses, etc.

At EONTEX we are equipped to do a detailed analysis of fresh/used bags to determine the quality of the bag or reasons for failure. Key parameters including fiber type, scrim type, quality of the finish, weight, thickness, air permeability, tensile strength measurements, properties before and after dust, etc. This helps us get to the root cause of the problem and arrive at a station.

For detailed discussion, kindly contact us at

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